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In-ground Planting Mix
From: Dan Levin levin at pixar.com> on 2001.07.16 at 14:07:18(7041)
I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
is essentially clay.
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My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
>From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads, Palms,
Cycads... the usual suspects!
Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or avoid?
I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
blending at the approximate ratio of
- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
- 10% horticultural sand
My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll turn
into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
From: Aroideae at aol.com on 2001.07.16 at 19:40:54(7043)
dear dan,
i am in west central florida, so our climates are very different, but perhaps
my experience with greenhouse beds will help some. i did not use the rock
layer because our sand drains rapidly. i used peat instead of coir +
composted pine bark + perlite + compost from a friend. i dug the beds out to
24 inches and added the mix. it has been about 6 yrs and the soil surface
has sunk about 20 inches. of course our heat here and my keeping the
greenhouse at 60 deg in the winter, plus heavy irrigation would cause a more
rapid breakdown of the medium. i think it's time to dig out my beds and
start again.
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I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
is essentially clay.
My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
>From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads,
Cycads... the usual suspects!
Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or
I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
blending at the approximate ratio of
- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
- 10% horticultural sand
My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll
into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
From: plantnut plantnut at macconnect.com> on 2001.07.16 at 19:42:40(7045)
Dump the coir.... It will decompose within a year!!!!!
>I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
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>planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
>the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
>worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
>is essentially clay.
>My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
>>From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
>Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads, Palms,
>Cycads... the usual suspects!
>Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
>conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or
>I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
>blending at the approximate ratio of
>- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
>- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
>- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
>- 10% horticultural sand
>My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll turn
>into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
>entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
>What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
>Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
> -Dan
Your source for Tropical Araceae
From: Aroideae at aol.com on 2001.07.16 at 20:14:41(7047)
dear dan,
an added note: DO add horticultural lime from time to time. your medium or
mine will acidify when it breaks down and the fertilizer will add to the
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From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.07.17 at 02:16:53(7049)
In case anyone didnt know... Dewey hates coir! :)
aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> Dump the coir.... It will decompose within a year!!!!!
| +More |
>I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
>planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
>the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
>worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
>is essentially clay.
>My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
>>From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
>Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads, Palms,
>Cycads... the usual suspects!
>Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
>conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or
>I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
>blending at the approximate ratio of
>- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
>- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
>- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
>- 10% horticultural sand
>My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll turn
>into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
>entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
>What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
>Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
> -Dan
Your source for Tropical Araceae
From: Denis denis at skg.com> on 2001.07.17 at 02:17:43(7050)
Why did you use all Coir instead of Peat Moss. Have you had better
experiences with Coir?
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Denis at Silver Krome Gardens
Homestead Florida
Dan Levin wrote:
> I'm blending at the approximate ratio of
> - 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
> - 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
> - 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
> - 10% horticultural sand
> My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll turn
> into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
> entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
> What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
> Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
> Thanks,
> -Dan
From: Durightmm at aol.com on 2001.07.17 at 02:49:43(7052)
lynn, at what ph does one add lime? It has been my experience that most
aroids prefere acid. The ph would be most helpful to all. Joe
| |
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.07.17 at 13:22:56(7054)
Not only Dewey---we had an extensive LONG discussion quite a while back on
this L concerning the use of coir in ALL its forms, and the concensus of
opinions was that it did not last, went 'bad' very quickly and caused lots
of problems. Not many gave any reasons why it should be used anymore!
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>>In case anyone didnt know... Dewey hates coir! :)<<
aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> Dump the coir.... It will decompose within a year!!!!!
>I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
>planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
>the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
>worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
>is essentially clay.
>My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
>>From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
>Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads,
>Cycads... the usual suspects!
>Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
>conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or
>I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
>blending at the approximate ratio of
>- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
>- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
>- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
>- 10% horticultural sand
>My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll
>into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out
>entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
>What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
>Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
> -Dan
Your source for Tropical Araceae
From: Aroideae at aol.com on 2001.07.17 at 13:24:38(7056)
i've never tested the ph in the beds. the acidification is a natural and
expected process. i think that it's not so much a matter of aroids
preferring acidic conditions as matter of their NOT preferring alkaline
conditions. generally speaking. most of what we grow are epiphytes on trees
in their native habitats......but then there's anthurium reflexinervium that
grows on limestone rocks as do many of the alocasias! so, i simply try to
keep it 'even'. most plants, not just aroids, generally prefer between 5.6
and 6.6 ph and at that level, will properly absorb at least some
nutrients....... if my poor memory serves. the old, tried and true Selby
epiphyte mix includes lime.
| +More |
lynn, at what ph does one add lime? It has been my experience that most
aroids prefere acid. The ph would be most helpful to all. Joe
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2001.07.17 at 16:28:18(7058)
Dear all,
I agree with Lynn. What is true for epiphytes may not be true for
geophytes. I mean, in places like Central Brazil, the higher the pH of the
soil, higher the diversity of Aroids. In fact, I am suspicious that the
problem is not the pH itself, but the availability of calcium. Limestone
outcrops or limestone-derived soils are much richer in aroids than
surrounding areas. Many Amorphophallus species are endemic to limestone
outcrops (am I correct, Wilbert), as well as some tuberous Xanthosoma,
Taccarum, Spathicarpa, etc. In pure forms of the Brazilian cerrado
vegetation, that is known as having the soil poor in calcium, no aroid is
known to occur. However, limestone outcrops in surrounding areas that are
usually in drier conditions may support a diverse aroid flora. Correct me if
I am wrong, but even in rainforests growing in sandy soils are high in
calcium that is held in the biomass and in the fast recycled humus. If you
have ever worked with the anatomy of aroids, you will note that there are so
many calcium oxalate cristal in almost every tissue that they must have come
from somewhere!!!
| +More |
Very best wishes,
>i've never tested the ph in the beds. the acidification is a natural and
>expected process. i think that it's not so much a matter of aroids
>preferring acidic conditions as matter of their NOT preferring alkaline
>conditions. generally speaking. most of what we grow are epiphytes on
>in their native habitats......but then there's anthurium reflexinervium
>grows on limestone rocks as do many of the alocasias! so, i simply try to
>keep it 'even'. most plants, not just aroids, generally prefer between 5.6
>and 6.6 ph and at that level, will properly absorb at least some
>nutrients....... if my poor memory serves. the old, tried and true Selby
>epiphyte mix includes lime.
> > lynn, at what ph does one add lime? It has been my experience that most
> > aroids prefere acid. The ph would be most helpful to all. Joe
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From: George Yao gcyao at netasia.net> on 2001.07.17 at 18:29:48(7059)
If your clay does not drain, then you will effectively be forming a bowl of
soup upon watering. You will only be able to grow swamp plants in it. It
may be better to make a raised bed.
George Yao
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Metro-Manila, Philippines
At 10:07 PM 7/16/01, you wrote:
>I've dug out a modest area inside my greenhouse for an in-ground
>planting area. After placing a 4 - 5" [10-12 cm] layer of drain rock in
>the bottom of this pit, I'll be topping up with another 18 - 20" [45-50 cm]
>worth of planting mix; as the native soil here in the San Francisco area
>is essentially clay.
>My intent is to grow a mixed collection of tropicals in this bed.
> >From Araceae: Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieff.,
>Philo's, etc. etc.; some Heliconia, various Zingiberaceae, Bromeliads, Palms,
>Cycads... the usual suspects!
>Does anybody out there have any experience/ words of advice concerning
>conservatory (in-ground) soil mixes or specific materials to either use or
>I'm considering a mix comprised of locally available components which I'm
>blending at the approximate ratio of
>- 40% coir (in lieu of peat moss)
>- 30% red lava gravel (graded 1/4" size [6.5 mm], clean)
>- 20 % fir bark (also graded 1/4", clean)
>- 10% horticultural sand
>My sample of the above looks great- but I'm really concerned what it'll turn
>into 5 years from now. Especially since my preference is to not dig out the
>entire bed and replace the contents much before 2010, if at all possible.
>What do the under-glass botanical gardens do?
>Anything special used for the beds inside MOBOT's Climatron for example?
> -Dan
From: "Dany Hervelle" bs246466 at skynet.be> on 2001.07.18 at 01:33:07(7061)
Hello list
Just about the discution of the coco fiber...
Last year,i had post a message about this subject,and remember having not
| +More |
negative avis,also is more was like that.I use it during more than a year
now and never had a so good soil for the culture of alocasia,that are my
favorit!All of my hundred
of alocasia love really that.I use it with mix of volcano stone,50/50.
of course,i grow all my plants in pots and mayby in plain grown it may be
bad...But in MY experience,i really love it!I use the one that is
conditioning in brick.
Good growin' to all
From: Dan Levin levin at pixar.com> on 2001.07.18 at 01:35:27(7062)
Many thanks to all for the responses so far. Sounds like I'm at least heading
in the right general direction, notwithstanding my consideration of the Evil
Coconut by-product.
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Lynn- Agricultural lime and a mineral fertilizer will both be mix components,
though I didn't mention this in my original post. Thanks for raising this aspect
of soil chemistry- the ensuing discussion has been most enlightening.
George- Yes drainage is a concern. I've dug 2 ea. sumps into the bottom of the
pit, to be filled with rock along with the entire bottom 4". My clay does drain,
albeit slowly- so I'm remaining optimistic. Perhaps I should be installing a proper
concrete sump with a pump...? But as you mentioned, at that point it might be
easier to just leave all my Alocasia, etc. in pots and plant a small taro patch instead.
Denis to answer your question- The only soil/ rock yard in my immediate area is
located in (the People's Republic of) Berkeley. Henceforth, peat is unofficially
banned and coir is offered in its place as "... an environmentally friendly alternative to
peat moss." Wouldn't be surprised if they're smoking coir too over on Telegraph Av.
however, I have never used the stuff to date either recreationally (well- maybe I tried it
just once, but didn't inhale) or as a mix component for any of my collection.
The choice was strictly a matter of simplicity as the Berkeley place will mix & deliver
anything from their bins for a nominal charge. But since my pit is still empty, I'm now
on the hunt for 5 yd. of peat. Better for the plants, but worse for my aching back!
Denis wrote:
> Dan:
> Why did you use all Coir instead of Peat Moss. Have you had better
> experiences with Coir?
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2001.07.19 at 01:48:21(7070)
In a message dated Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:28:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Eduardo Goncalves" writes:
> Many Amorphophallus species are endemic to limestone
> outcrops (am I correct, Wilbert), as well as some tuberous Xanthosoma,
> Taccarum, Spathicarpa, etc.
Wow, what a timely discussion. I am still working on that S. kotoensis bit, but I do remember that this sp. was far more abundant where the bedrock was fossil coral reef, as opposed to lava flow.
Question: what is the submission deadline for articles hoping to appear in the 2001 Aroideana?
Jason Hernandez
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(or a reasonable facsimile thereof)
From: magrysbo at shu.edu on 2001.07.19 at 02:21:12(7073)
>From orchid growing experience, what nurtures and keeps moist in one pot
may rot in another only several feet away...
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"Dany Hervelle" @mobot.org on 07/17/2001 09:35:20 PM
Please respond to aroid-l@mobot.org
Sent by: aroid-l@mobot.org
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: Re: Re: In-ground Planting Mix
Hello list
Just about the discution of the coco fiber...
Last year,i had post a message about this subject,and remember having not
negative avis,also is more was like that.I use it during more than a year
now and never had a so good soil for the culture of alocasia,that are my
favorit!All of my hundred
of alocasia love really that.I use it with mix of volcano stone,50/50.
of course,i grow all my plants in pots and mayby in plain grown it may be
bad...But in MY experience,i really love it!I use the one that is
conditioning in brick.
Good growin' to all
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.