A catastrophic increase in global lust for Peace Lilies has also to be
reported. There is no way world demand can ever be met. The increase in
demand has forced my factory into adding genetic repugnancy to the
genus by hybridising with Amorphophallus. Fortunately, most of the market
is "Mr. Max", less discerning aliens who prefer tuberculous
tropicals which play dead for the winter, maybe like themselves. The new
advantageously more pungently potent Spathiphyllum hybrids should meet both
their aesthetic predelictions & their very obvious functional inclinations.
The new Amorospathylloids will be available from tissue culture through
mainly American supermarkets soon. However to ensure supplies of new
strains of factory fresh hybrid product with maximum quality ingredients &
good shelf life, please send this bastard manufacturing company any wayward
or wanton gene material on top of or under which you may happen to find
Ah! How utterly meaningless Life would be without discourse on pure bred
angelic attornies, line bred pooches, whirling dervish culto-taxonomy &
amorphophallic erotic-coprophilic symbolism. Do I hear you genteely mutter,
"but there's always not so simple Peace Lilies?". Please, please, no, don't
even consider it, please!
know I didn't really understand how to do a spadix samba until I read Aroid
L? How many for the next line dance please?
Unstigmatically & unstyle-istically
Green Devil's Maverick strikes again
P.S. I hope this is not too long, Julyus?