Hardiness of Dracunculus canariensis
From: Tom Croat Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2001.07.01 at 03:45:45(6920)
Title: Hardiness of Dracunculus canariensis
Dear Aroiders:
I have a message from Mohammad Mehdi Fayyaz
Director, UW Botany Greenhouses and Botanical Garden
Tel. 608-262-2235
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Fax 608-262-7509
He asks the question- How hardy is Dracunculus canariensis? I know that Petra over wintered D. vulgaris here in St. Louis but if any of you have any experience with D. canariensis and its hardiness please pass that information on either to the list or directly to Mohammad.
From: "Peter Boyce" boyce at pothos.demon.co.uk> on 2001.07.01 at 16:23:59(6930)
Tom and all
Dracunculus canariensis is not hardy in London, UK
(average minimum - 2 C). The main problem seems to be that it starts grwoth very
early (December or even a little earlier) and simply cannot handle frosting when
in leaf. I'd recommend frost-free in a well-ventilated greenhouse. The good news
is that grown in this manner D. canarensis is very easy. It produces copious
stolons each giving rise to a new tuber. It is also easy from seed and, if kept
growing will flower from seed in 18 months (compared with 3 - 4 years from D.
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From: Tony Avent tony at plantdel.com> on 2001.07.02 at 16:36:26(6936)
Dranunculus canarensis was not hardy for us in Raleigh, NC either, growing
nearby was D. vulgaris which was fine.
Tony Avent
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Plant Delights Nursery @
Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, NC 27603 USA
Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
email tony@plantdelights.com
website http://www.plantdel.com
phone 919 772-4794
fax 919 662-0370
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself...at least
three times" - Avent
From: "George R Stilwell, Jr." grsjr at juno.com> on 2001.07.02 at 16:38:15(6938)
Dracunculus canariensis didn't survive for me. (Zone 7)
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