From: "Ron Iles" roniles at> on 2001.06.13 at 15:01:29(6701)
Hi Folks!
Is it OK if we liaise with parallel National & International Societies to
reciprocate Advertising? If so, what kind of Ad for us (see below) and I
would suggest "size for size"? AND WHO can do it with THEIR graphics and
email it to me, PLEASE?
(12.5 x 4.7 cms). I know the kind of leaf and inflorescence I'd put.....
I could do it with the IAS or Arisaema logos if needed?
What is the deadline and frequency of the AGGS News Carol please?
Caring thoughts to everyone
Ron (Iles)
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: No oops please for being POSITIVE!
| At 11:14 AM 5/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
| > I think it was good that you sent the suggestion to put
| >reciprocal ads in your Society and IAS and it is good that IAS Members
| >my feeling. If we have no objections we'll get on and do it. NOT in
| >next IAS Newsletter which is on the brink of being sent to the Printers!
| No rush here! I'll have to create an ad for the IAS newsletter. The AGGS
| journal comes out four times a year. The final size of the ad from IAS
| should be 12.5cm x 4.7cm and should be camera-ready. If you do graphics
| yourself, you can email me the file or send me a hard copy. If you want
| help with the graphics, you can send me the info you want in the ad and I
| can create an ad for you to approve.
| IAS has both an EU and US membership address, isn't that right? Both
| addresses should be on the ad since, despite the "American" part of AGGS,
| we have many international members - our biggest chapter is in Sweden.
| Carol Ann