And even more that had nothing but the wild A. triphyllum growing in the
woods near their houses.
There is no requirement that you already have Arisaema, just that you
list those you have.
So, a true Arisaema novice would respond with "none yet" to the question.
We do need your snail-mail address, zone, and E-mail address though. The
former to send seeds, the latter to put you on Arisaema-L.
I had been growing A. cordatum that came from seed supplied by Shing Lam,
Hong Kong, in 1996.
Of the 6 seedlings, 4 died the first winter, but to my surprise the
remaining two refused to
give up. One has bloomed. I gave them both to Tony Avent in hopes Plant
Delights could propagate this hardier strain. Alan Galloway has been
growing them in his greenhouse with great success.
However, the real grower of tropical Arisaema is Wilbert Hetterscheid. He
gets them by accident in
the soil with the Amorphs that are sent to him.
But these other tropicals are probably not suitable outdoors here, but
who knows. I was sure A. cordatum
wouldn't live, yet there it was, blooming.
If you want to join AEG, just send me a request with the information.
(none yet will be fine)
Here is the standard information on AEG membership:
The Arisaema Enthusiasts Group (AEG) is a worldwide organization sharing
information, seed,
tubers, etc.
The price for joining is to send three things:
1. A list of your collection of A. species with numbers of plants sorted
(mature) Survived 2-3 years but has not flowered,
(flowered) Has flowered,
(set seed) Has set seed,
(immature) Survived one winter,
(seedlings) has a leaf, but has not survived one winter,
or (died).
The categories are mutually exclusive. So, a plant that set seed, must
have bloomed, and must be mature, but it is only listed once under "set
seed". PLEASE include number of plants for each category. It saves me a
lot of effort.
2. Your hardiness zone.
3. Your snail-mail address. Seed don't travel the internet too well.
We send you the membership list, the most comprehensive Arisaema species
list in the world, a great Arisaema bibliography, a copy of your
collection inventory, a sample KEY, the "Who's Got Wot?" spreadsheet so
you can see who's growing what you crave.
We have a discussion list, Arisaema-L, for members. The list is
principally for information on Arisaema, but includes other hardy aroids
from Arum to Zantedeschia.
AEG supports an Arisaema web page
and also provides a
web site for identifying Arisaema species
and several other Arisaema
sites run by members are linked to the Arisaema page.
We have done seed distributions for the last few years. In 1999 we
distributed 14818 seed of 27 species to 114 members worldwide. I don't
have the numbers for Seedex-2000 yet. Current membership is 193
from over 21 countries worldwide.
If you will have seed to share, please send them to:
Craig Stubbs
15 Princess St.
P.O. #596
Canada L0B 1CO
Craig is currently managing the seed distribution.
The cost of running AEG is born by voluntary member donations, usually
after each seed distribution. They've been running from $10 to $15 per
member/year. If you're interested, drop me a line, or an E-mail, with the
required information.
G. R. Stilwell, Jr.
11900 Coachman's Way
Raleigh, NC 27614
When you become a member, you will be instated on Arisaema-L
Hoping to hear from you...........
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