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Dracontium gigas clump removal.
From: "Michael Pascall" mpascall at eisa.net.au> on 2000.11.20 at 15:31:16(5691)
Most of the tubers that I transplanted are growing fine now . All have shot
up very large colourful petioles , but as yet the leaf has not unfolded.As a
identifying aid , I have noticed that the emergent leaf is very dark brown
on this sp. compared to dark green on D.pittieri. [I was having trouble
telling the two apart ]
Just as i thought , I missed 4 tubers that had grown very deep into the
sandy soil we have here. All infloresences will have to be cut of , or the
threat of herbicide has been mentioned !! [LOL]
Michael Pascall, in tropical Nth Qld.Australia.
Where it is spring now , and the WET is about to start.
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