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San Juan, Puerto Rico
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 2000.11.12 at 04:16:34(5677)
Does anyone know of any spots where I could purchase some small tropicals
on a Sunday afternoon here in San Juan? I'll be free early afternoon on
Sunday and have to head back at noon on Monday.
With folks' help, I've learned that there are few restrictions on live
plants coming back to New York from PR. No license is necessary. I need
only wash the soil off and make sure there are no bugs. With that in mind,
I'm hoping to find some spot here that has a few *small* interesting
tropicals that I can bring back with me.
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From: "Jeff&jodi Rosenstiel" jjjj at winternet.com> on 2000.11.12 at 18:14:36(5678)
Hi Les,
You may want to look up,
Esteban McGrath
Loresco Tropical Plants
San Juan,Puerto Rico
I know estaban, he has many rare plants, (ariods)he may also know of other
places to go, I have picked up plants from him, and had no problems getting
them home here to mn. Once they know your plants are not going to florida,
or Calif., they dident seem to concern,
Here is his e-mail lsrjml@prtc.net make sure and tell him "jeff sent you"
and I know he will help you out! I have know him for years,
If you need more info, e-mail me and I have a list of plants he has, He also
grows for the large hotels in the area, so if you ask around down there
everyone know him, Is this your first trip down there?
hope this helps
Jeff Rosenstiel
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----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: San Juan, Puerto Rico
> Does anyone know of any spots where I could purchase some small tropicals
> on a Sunday afternoon here in San Juan? I'll be free early afternoon on
> Sunday and have to head back at noon on Monday.
> With folks' help, I've learned that there are few restrictions on live
> plants coming back to New York from PR. No license is necessary. I need
> only wash the soil off and make sure there are no bugs. With that in
> I'm hoping to find some spot here that has a few *small* interesting
> tropicals that I can bring back with me.
> Thanks,
> Les
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