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philodendron tenue
From: "Don Bittel" dbittel at treco.net> on 2000.11.09 at 15:24:57(5658)
to all,
I have a plant that looks identical to the picture of Philo. tenue that
was labeled P. ecuadoriense (hort.) when I bought it from GW in Ohio. Does
anyone know if this is a synonym? Betsy, do you know?
Don Bittel
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From: "Petra Schmidt Malesevich" pmalesevich at LEHMANN.MOBOT.ORG> on 2000.11.10 at 04:33:24(5659)
Philodendron ecuadorense Engl. was synonymized to
Philodendron tenue K. Koch & Augustin by Croat (1997) Revision
of Philodendron...
Also accepted by P. Jorgensen (1999) in Plants of Ecuador.
Petra - for Betsy (!)
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On 9 Nov 00, at 9:24, Don Bittel wrote:
to all,
I have a plant that looks identical to the picture of Philo. tenue that
was labeled P. ecuadoriense (hort.) when I bought it from GW in Ohio. Does
anyone know if this is a synonym? Betsy, do you know?
Don Bittel
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 2000.11.10 at 04:35:01(5661)
I think that Philodendron ecuadoriense is considered a synonym of P. tenue
but this may have all changed. Phildodedron tenue is extremely variable, and
it just may be that there are two species or more in that mess, but sometimes
sorting out these problems takes many untold trips to the field and a
lifetime to sort out. Tom Croat might have the answer to your question.
Donna Atwood
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<< I have a plant that looks identical to the picture of Philo. tenue that
was labeled P. ecuadoriense (hort.) when I bought it from GW in Ohio. Does
anyone know if this is a synonym? Betsy, do you know?
From: Neil Crafter golfstra at senet.com.au> on 2000.11.10 at 04:35:30(5663)
Dear Don
In Tom Croat's Revision of Subgen Philodendron (on the IAS website) he has
reduced 3 species to synonomy under P.tenue. These are P ecuadorense, P.gracile
and P.sodiroanum. Trust this helps.
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Neil Crafter
Adelaide Australia
Don Bittel wrote:
> to all,
> I have a plant that looks identical to the picture of Philo. tenue that
> was labeled P. ecuadoriense (hort.) when I bought it from GW in Ohio. Does
> anyone know if this is a synonym? Betsy, do you know?
> Thanks,
> Don Bittel
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 2000.11.11 at 19:10:01(5674)
In a message dated 11/9/00 10:36:32 PM Central Standard Time,
golfstra@senet.com.au writes:
<< In Tom Croat's Revision of Subgen Philodendron (on the IAS website) he has
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reduced 3 species to synonomy under P.tenue. These are P ecuadorense,
and P.sodiroanum. Trust this helps. >>
Neil's information does help a great deal. Thanks for doing the homework.
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