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Alocasia potting mix
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 2000.09.27 at 14:38:10(5472)
On expert advise, I changed the potting mix I was using for anthuriums and suddenly am seeing them flourish as they never had before. They had grown *adequately* in Pro-Mix but never as they're growing now. Consequently, it's dawning on me that I should be changing other potting mixes rather than trying to get everything to grow in Pro-Mix.
So - what are people's favorites for Alocasias? Specifically, I've had problems with Black Velvet getting terminal cases of dwindles. I suspect that Pro-Mix doesn't drain well enough. Obviously I could just add some perlite but why stop there? I'll glady purchase whatever charcoal-bark-osmundum-sphagnum-peat-vermiculite-loam-compost-plastic-fiberglass combination people recommend and see what happens.
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From: Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 2000.09.27 at 19:08:42(5473)
OK, I'll bite....what did you change TO for your anthuriums, on expert
advice, Lester??
My Alocasia wendti and Black Velvet both dwindled in ProMix...others are
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doing well so far but with temps maybe dipping into the 30s be weekend here
it is time to do something!! BTW my A. bulbifers are finally up and out.
Not too good on seasons, those guys.
Clear skies,
|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.09.27 at 19:30:04(5475)
What is your new mix for Anthuriums... Mine needs changing also...
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>On expert advise, I changed the potting mix I was using for anthuriums and
>suddenly am seeing them flourish as they never had before. They had grown
>*adequately* in Pro-Mix but never as they're growing now. Consequently,
>it's dawning on me that I should be changing other potting mixes rather
>than trying to get everything to grow in Pro-Mix.
>So - what are people's favorites for Alocasias? Specifically, I've had
>problems with Black Velvet getting terminal cases of dwindles. I suspect
>that Pro-Mix doesn't drain well enough. Obviously I could just add some
>perlite but why stop there? I'll glady purchase whatever
>glass combination people recommend and see what happens.
Your source for Tropical Araceae.
You are invited to visit:
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 2000.09.27 at 19:39:26(5476)
I changed to 1/3 long fiber sphagnum, 1/3 course perlite (really course) & 1/3 phalanopsis mix (which included bark & charcoal).
There has to be some better way of growing Alocasias than Pro-Mix since we're both seeing some dwindling in it. Yes, the tough ones survive but how about the more difficult ones? I'll gladly change to some ideal mix if it improves the outcome.
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At 02:08 PM 9/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>OK, I'll bite....what did you change TO for your anthuriums, on expert
>advice, Lester??
>My Alocasia wendti and Black Velvet both dwindled in ProMix...others are
>doing well so far but with temps maybe dipping into the 30s be weekend here
>it is time to do something!! BTW my A. bulbifers are finally up and out.
>Not too good on seasons, those guys.
>Clear skies,
>|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
>|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
>|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
>|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
From: Jonathan Ertelt jonathan.ertelt at vanderbilt.edu> on 2000.09.29 at 22:12:43(5477)
>I changed to 1/3 long fiber sphagnum, 1/3 course perlite (really course) &
>1/3 phalanopsis mix (which included bark & charcoal).
By really coarse perlite, do you mean the larger stuff called sponge rock?
And what else is in the phalaenopsis mix besides bark and charcoal?
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Jonathan Ertelt
Greenhouse Manager
Vanderbilt University Biology Department
Box 1812, Sta. B
Nashville, TN 37235
(615) 322-4054
From: Jim Singer jsinger at igc.org> on 2000.09.29 at 22:14:02(5478)
had a similar experience with black velvet in pro-mix in a shady location. i
wanted to dump it, but she who must be obeyed insisted we try it in the
ground. so i planted out. our soil is sand to the center of the earth with a
little organic matter in the top three feet and a lot of moisture the rest
of the way down. it is planted in the light shade provided by tall slash
pines [which are also likely responsible for the organic matter in the
sand]. to cut to the chase, the plant has rallied. it now consists of three
thick stalks and a dozen or more leaves.
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At 09:38 AM 9/27/00 -0500, Lester Kallus wrote:
>On expert advise, I changed the potting mix I was using for anthuriums and
suddenly am seeing them flourish as they never had before. They had grown
*adequately* in Pro-Mix but never as they're growing now. Consequently,
it's dawning on me that I should be changing other potting mixes rather than
trying to get everything to grow in Pro-Mix.
>So - what are people's favorites for Alocasias? Specifically, I've had
problems with Black Velvet getting terminal cases of dwindles. I suspect
that Pro-Mix doesn't drain well enough. Obviously I could just add some
perlite but why stop there? I'll glady purchase whatever
lass combination people recommend and see what happens.
Himself @ jsinger@peacenet.org
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 2000.09.29 at 22:30:21(5486)
hmm... i don't know, gabe, i'm still experimenting with alocasias and soils,
and i have not grown aroids as long as some of the other folks in this list
but as i said, my experience so far has been that they do better in larger
pots. another example just occurred this weekend, i had bought 2 A. x
amazonicas (same size) several months ago. i gave one to my father. mine is
still in the same pot and still has only 2 leaves. my father repotted his
into a much larger pot and is now triple the size.
tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA
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From: Pugturd at aol.com on 2000.09.30 at 02:34:01(5487)
For the mix I use lots of powdered peat moss perlite and maybe some charcoal
dust. just make sure to water in the morning when it is getting warm never
water at night. You usually have to keep a close eye on some of these plants.
But usually if one does get rot it starts to form a lot of bulblets off the
sides. I try to keep about three plants of each one so if one does get rot I
have another one that survives.
I also find a lot of the Colocasia and alocasia macrorrhiza love to be
planted in the ground and will grow to huge heights if allowed.
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