----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: donderdag 15 juni 2000 0:03
Subject: Re: Wilbert Hetterscheid admiration society?
> No, there was no subject heading exactly like that, but pretty close I
> think. In any case, I thought that I should mention in regard to crushed
> boxes and their contents that four of the crushed, no, only one was
> _crushed_, these were just severely flattened seeds of Amorphophallus
> muelleri seed I received, that I went ahead and stuck in the ground, all
> have now come up and some are showing a second leaf. The leaves are
> wonderful, with the white silver edging.
> BTW, did anyone know that the seeds of this species at least, are also
> quite odorific - not just the inflorescence! Now why would a plant
> seeds that stink? Considerate animals that would scrape some dirt over it
> out of habit? Dung beetle invitation in order to get the seed germinating
> in some really rich medium? Any thoughts?
> Thank you sir.
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Ertelt
> Greenhouse Manager
> Vanderbilt University Biology Department
> Box 1812, Sta. B
> Nashville, TN 37235
> (615) 322-4054