From: "Jay Vannini" interbnk at> on 2000.06.15 at 02:35:40(4784)
Dear fellow plant enthusiasts:
I thought that I'd drop in with some comments on a relatively new (?)
molluscicide on the market that I am now using, thanks to Lynn Hannon, at
whose greenhouse I first encountered it, and the estimable Ralph Lyman, who
also recommended the active ingredient for slug control last year. The
product is called "Sluggo" and it is basically iron phosphate, an
attractant, and a binding agent presented in handy pellet form. While
manufactured in Germany, it's distributed by a company called Lawn & Garden
Products, Inc. of Fresno, CA. I won't actually stoop as far as recommending
a retail sales point - suffice to say that there are several of 'em on the
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Brothers and Sisters - as the Lord is my witness - I think I love this
Following years of working with varying metaldehyde preparations (pellet
baits, slurries, sprays, etc.) as the frontline defence against the ravenous
hordes of slugs that my garden and adjacent forest spawn every rainy season,
coupled with esoteric traps using beer and so forth, for the first time
(hallelujah!) I appear to have achieved resounding strategic superiority
over my slimy nemeses. Following an initial application two weeks ago, EVERY
tender new Anthurium leaf I have unfolding outside is still immaculate, my
Sobralia and Masdevallia blooms manage to complete their fleeting lives
without being mangled even before opening, and - as an additional dividend -
I'm not sweating my dogs or lesser native wildlife running afoul of gummy,
cruddy, aesthetically and environmentally displeasing hot pink metaldehyde
baits (Hasta la vista, Bayer!). This, in spite of the fact that it has
basically NOT stopped raining here for the past fortnight, conditions that
in the past would have had my plant collection as overrun as Dien Bien Phu
on the "Free French Fries Nite" in 1954.
Admittedly, I have not tried DE, largely 'cause I fear that my snuffling
mutts will contract some queer respiratory ailments (silicosis, perhaps?) if
I fling it about hither and thither. Also, this stuff ("Sluggo") ain't, by
any stretch of the imagination, cheap. But after having found a pot of
Phragmipedium seedlings mowed down, and having the growing tip of a young
Anthurium reflexinervium scarfed up during an evening's meal (in spite of
the presesence of fresh met. baits in the general area), I finally decided
that my existing measures, both indoors and out, needed a radical overhaul.
In any event, those of you with similar vexatious confrontations with the
"n. shell-less gastropod, often destructive to small plants" might wanna
give this stuff a serious looky-looky.
Now if they could only find the right presentation for control of the larger
species that are in politics...
Cheerio -