From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2000.06.14 at 21:39:00(4770)
To all into Caladiums and other related genera--
Peter Boyce commented on Madison`s work on Monstera, and the same can be
said of Madison`s ground-breaking work on Caladium and other related genera,
we (Lynn Hannon and myself) are struggling to wade through it now while
working on Chlorospatha (and Caladiom!)
Too much lumping of good species!
Pete, I so look forward to the paper you will soon ( I hope!) be publishing
on these genera!! To all other members, get 'The Genera of Araceae' by S.
J. Mayo, J. Bogner and Peter Boyce, and also Pete`s work on the genus Arum,
then you will see why I so look forward to Pete`s work in progress! THIS is
how papres/books should be written!!!
These books (and others!) should be available either from The Internation
Aroin Society or from Kew, WELL worth the price, true treasures, and in the
case of Pete`s work on Arum, the art work (color!) of the species
illustrated are fantastic!
| +More |
>Jack, and others into monsteroids
While Madison's Monstera revision is still the only show in town it's
worth hunting out, BUT the genus needs a new revision since
Madison recognizes fewer species in total than are now known
occur in Panama and Cosa Rica alone!
Peter Boyce
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Richmond, Surrey
Tel. (+44) (0)20 8 332 5207
fax. (+44) (0)20 8 332 5278
email: (work) (home)