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  Eletronic errata
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2000.03.20 at 04:06:47(4247)
Dear Aroiders,

I have just noted a stupid error in my Aroideana article (A revised key
for the genus Asterostigma... Aroideana 22:30-31. 1999): The authors of the
genus Asterostigma are Fisch. & C.A.Mey., not C.A.Fisch.& Mey. as stated. I
must have typed wrongly when I asked Peter to change the full names in the
proofs by abbreviated names. (Peter, I think we need an errata in the next
Aroideana...) Unfortunately, the confused author's names are also in the
title, so I'll have to see this stupid mistake forever!

Best wishes,


From: "Peter Boyce" p.boyce at rbgkew.org.uk> on 2000.03.21 at 03:57:50(4248)

No probelm to put in an errata.


From: "Peter Boyce" p.boyce at rbgkew.org.uk> on 2000.03.21 at 04:01:23(4249)

No probelm to put in an errata.


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