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  cane cutting alocasia
From: "Gabe Thomas" CDANIELLE at prodigy.net> on 2000.03.14 at 00:02:39(4208)
Hello all,
Has anyone propagated an Alocasia via cane cuttings? I have an A.
micholitziana 'Frydek' with quite a cane on it that I would like to
air-layer. I have noticed it has many "eyes" (lack of better term) along the
cane and some of the lower ones have produced cormels. I'm thinking about
chopping the cane up into pieces with one or two eyes each, burying them
horizontally half exposed and putting them in a clone box under
fluorescents. Any opinions?

Gabe Thomas

From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 2000.03.15 at 04:12:52(4211)
It works your way. Keep on the dryish side, not parched and where it is
evenly warm and watch. You will have some success. They like to rot, but what
doesn't? Be patient.

From: Pugturd at aol.com on 2000.03.15 at 22:52:06(4216)
I also know that sometimes if the plant is made to lay on its side so that
the cane in the dirt. Plants will form from this also. If you have enough you
might like to try it both ways and see what works best.

From: "Bonaventure W Magrys" magrysbo at shu.edu> on 2000.03.16 at 04:05:48(4220)
Works with Ricinus (Castor Bean). Got some canes in my basement loosely wrapped
in plastic, still green, and trying to grow side branches. They will root and
form lines of stalks when put out in a couple of months.
Bonaventure Magrys

From: Pugturd at aol.com on 2000.03.16 at 04:06:10(4221)
In a message dated 3/15/00 2:52:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, Pugturd@aol.com

Also I know that the cane on my Alocasia cuculata has been broken off a few

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