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Re: [Aroid-l] Epipremnum Marble Queen / Snow Queen
From: The Silent Seed <tylus.seklos at gmail.com>
on 2019.12.14 at 17:20:18
Thank you very much Russ! I agree with you. I see both "forms" (ha!) on "both" plants.
I have not seen Snow Queen applied to N'Joy/Glacier/Pearls and Jade, etc, but people will do that these days!
Best, Jude
Hi Jude,
Doing a search, looks like someone put the name Snow Queen on the higher variegated form of Marble Queen. I'm pretty sure I've seen both forms on the same plant, so I think the so-called Snow Queen is just an occasional variation of Marble Queen. To me, they're BOTH Marble Queen.
The Snow Queen name is also applied to plants that look like N'Joy, Pearls and Jade, and the like.
On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 8:24 PM, The Silent Seed _______________________________________________
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The Silent Seed Rare and Unusual plants from around the world.=C2=A0
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