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Re: [Aroid-l] Visiting nurseries in Florida / East Coast
From: Susan B <honeybunny442 at yahoo.com>
on 2018.08.19 at 22:55:38
LOL shades of "Dexter", Tom! I wonder what the maids think...
On Sunday, August 19, 2018, 6:53:13 PM EDT, Tom Croat <Thomas.Croat@mobot.org> wrote:
When I am in the field and using hotel rooms I always carry a lightweight nylong tarp 12 feet x 16 feet (weighs less than a pound and compresses to less than a loaf of bread) to completely cover
the room, bed, etc. When I am finished I scoop up what I can into a trash bag that I dump in a ditch and the rest just stays in the folded up tarp which gets shaken out at the same time. Sometimes I hang it out the window to dump the minor fragments on the
street below! Tom
From: aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com]
On Behalf Of Michael Kolaczewski
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2018 9:43 AM
To: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com>
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Visiting nurseries in Florida / East Coast
I always travel with a large Pullman suitcase. I now have a hard case, so the plants I get Are better protected.
I pack a few heavier trash bags so when I=E2=80=99m unpotting Plants, the Hotel folks won=E2=80=99t be mad at me at what I leave in my room!!
First, are you going to be at the International Aroid Society Show and Sale in mid-September? This link will give you an idea of the vendors who will be selling plants:
If you can't make it to the show itself, some of the aroid folks are OK with you coming by to where they sell plants, if you set it up in advance:
Also, if you make minimum purchase of around $50, and set it up in advance, you may be able to buy plants directly from Silver Krome Gardens - http://www.silverkrome.com/
Finally, if you like hybrids, there's a decent selection of aglaonemas at Bernecker's Nursery: https://www.berneckers.com/foliage/
I believe they have a minimum of around $150 - and they will sell directly to individuals, although they are primarily wholesale. Again, set it up ahead time - if you call them, and confirm the foregoing, they should also give you the password that allows
you to see their plant availability. Also - when I say "decent selection" - I mean decent compared to what we get in California - which is maybe two or three different hybrids at local nurseries. Also, to get to the $150 minimum, if you're buying small plants,
you end up with a lot - and they are sold in their pots. On one of my Florida trips, I was traveling by airplane, and I ended up bare-rooting the plants in my motel room - I was lucky that the folks at the motel were willing to take the garbage bags of potting
soil I left with them. I think I had two suitcases of bare-rooted wrapped aroids that I took home - and was pleasantly surprised how many survived the trip and my re-potting.
Hope you have a great trip!
I haven't been down to Florida in a few years, and would like any input about good, neat, or interesting, or diverse nurseries / plant shops / greenhouses
I should visit while on my trip. (And anywhere in between Massachusetts and Florida.) (Both wholesale and retail welcome.)
Let the recommendations commence, please.
The Silent Seed
Rare and Unusual plants from around the world.
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