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Re: [Aroid-l] Visiting nurseries in Florida / East Coast
From: Don Martinson <llmen at wi.rr.com>
on 2018.08.19 at 13:47:25
I=E2=80=99m glad to know that I=E2=80=99m not the only one who, on the last day of their vacation, spent the evening preparing their plant/seeds for the trip home.
Don Martinson
On one of my Florida trips, I was traveling by airplane, and I ended up bare-rooting the plants in my motel room - I was lucky that the folks at the motel were willing to take the garbage bags of potting soil I left with them. I think I had two suitcases of bare-rooted wrapped aroids that I took home - and was pleasantly surprised how many survived the trip and my re-potting.
Hope you have a great trip!
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