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Re: [Aroid-l] Help please,
From: Don Martinson <llmen at wi.rr.com>
on 2017.07.08 at 15:03:25
Re: [Aroid-l] Help please, how to use fresh anthurium seed and get it to grow successfully?
I, too, have used the method of placing the cleaned seed in damp sphagnum in a zip-lock type of bag and keeping it reasonably warm and in a bright location. I’ve successfully germinated many Anthurium seeds this way. Good Luck!
Don Martinson
Milwaukee, WI
On 7/7/17, 3:40 PM, "JILL BELL" <jb_bell@comcast.net> wrote:
I received a ripe spath in the mail of an anthurium I am hoping Dr. Croat can identify, that I had years ago and gave a piece to a friend. =A0She has had it for 25 years, and mine died years ago. =A0I want to grow one of these!!! =A0 How not to kill it? =A0I put a bunch of fresh seeds on a shallow tray of wet sphagnum and tented it with a freezer bag, put it in a low light window. =A0Will that work? =A0When to take them out? =A0I have more seeds left. =A0Any other ideas? =A0Should I spray the ones I planted with Neem oil to prevent fungus? =A0Help!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate any help here. :)))
Best Regards,
Jill Bell
Graphic Design/Web Design/E-commerce/Digital Marketing
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