IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] Konjac is coming!
From: Skip Hanson <skiphanson23 at gmail.com> on 2016.02.03 at 17:13:15
=C2=A0 Hello. I recently purchased a very large Konjac. It=E2=80=99s about 18=E2=80=9D across. I have it in a nice, dry box near a window. Well it=E2=80=99s starting to shoot! The growth is about 9 inches right now.

=C2=A0 I live in Northern CA and right now it=E2=80=99s wet and cold. There is no way I=E2=80=99m potting this now and putting it out. So, what should I do with it? Should I can pot it now and keep it inside or should I just leave it in the box and watch the magic?

=C2=A0 Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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