From: "StroWi at" <StroWi at>
on 2015.08.19 at 11:47:50
well, sometimes the answer seems to be available in the www...
Lord P.(seudohydrosme) declares the spec. as outcrossing.
Pollination with frozen pollen seems to be possible.
Interesting would be, if stored pollen can be uses for a selfing of the donor plant when it is blooming the next time. This would be useful in the case that only one plant is available. It would be interesting, too, to see, if there would be any sign of inbreeding depression if seedset would occur......
Happy pollinating, Bernhard.
since I have contrary information about the fertility of Pseudohydrosme I want to ask wether the spec. is self fertile or not.
One opinion is that it can be self pollinated with success, the other mentions that you need three genotypes to do a successfull pollination.
Any experience?
Happy growing, Bernhard.
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