From: "StroWi at" <StroWi at>
on 2015.07.14 at 06:50:32
Aroiders, there is a more detailed picture uploaded (see post #8 in that thread):
To me it looks like chorophyll deficiency in definite areas and layers of that leaf; this would speak for a genitical chimera.
The forum member took small leaf cuttings; hopefully the will grow, let alone, if the cells that are modified will contribute to callus and adventitious buds...
Any comments?
Happy growing, Bernhard.
Aroiders, a member of our forum noticed a variegation on the younger leaf (and not so prominent on the first leaf) of one of his dactylifer (seed raised; I guess seeds from Merlin Sy). He wonders, if this is a pathogen (virus) or a genetical chimera (like A. konjac 'Shattered Glass'). Have look:
Any suggestion welcome ! Happy commenting, Bernhard.
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