From: "Greg Ruckert" <greg at>
on 2014.07.26 at 23:34:52
It is sad that so many people take for granted the great work done and expense incurred, voluntarily due to their passion, by individuals.
I thank Marek for the work he has put into this personal project for over a decade, and thank him very much.
It is surely up to them to decide how they go about and provide their services to the community. None of this is "free". I agree with Marek's reasons for doing what he has done. It is a worthwhile bonus to the community.
As for the IAS Facebook page, I again commend the board for supporting this avenue to attract more people to the Aroid world and to share in it. It now has FIVE times the number of followers as we have paid up members. This is a great outreach programme by the IAS and if paid up members choose not to access it then that is their decision. In the same way, some people choose not to have a telephone, not to have a computer, have email or be on the internet.
Members taking the decision not to access the Facebook page is no different than the decision taken by some members not to ba a part of this email group.
The idea that an organisation shold not provide a valuable service due to one or more members not wanting to use it is repugnant to me.
I shared this link on the IAS Facebook and apologise for not posting it to this mailserver as well.
Greg Ruckert
South Australia
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] ID Help
Not a fan of Facebook either. I find it unfortunate that members of IAS should have to sign up w/ Facebook to receive all of their IAS membership benefits.