IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] Dracunculis Vulgaris
From: DAVID LEEDY <djleedy at sbcglobal.net> on 2014.02.02 at 20:45:04
During the up and down temperatures, normal for this season in Fort Worth, one of my Dracunculis vulgaris has sprouted.  Tonight it is supposed to get below freezing again, which is no problem for my Arums (as long as it stays above 20 degrees F), but is this a problem for D. vulgaris???

Appreciate hearing of any experiences with this.

David J. Leedy
3151 Cortez Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76116, USA

Telephone:  (817) 560-2997

USDA Hardiness Zone 7b (Avg. Annual Min. Temp. of 10 to 20=CB=9A F. or -12 to -7=CB=9A C.)
AHS Heat Zone 9 (temperature above 86=CB=9A F. or 30=CB=9A C. 100 to 150 days/year)
Mean Elevation is 670 ft. or 204 meters above sea level.
Average annual precipitation is 34.73 inches or 0.882 meters. 

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