IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] Please post at Tom Croat's request
From: "Carla Kostelac" <Carla.Kostelac at mobot.org> on 2013.08.12 at 16:15:25

Dear Aroiders:


This message was sent to Tom Croat and he asked me to post it on Aroid-L. Tom said that this could have been a tube of Colocasia. Thanks, Carla Kostelac


This is a question of the Belgian Anti-Poison Centrum. Between a lot of potatoes some unidentified tubers were found. Someone did eat them but they caused an irritation and a swelling of the mouth, just like oxalate crystals can do.


Do you think these corms may belong to an aroid? Do you have any idea what it can be?


Thank you for your quick answer.


Best regards,


Frieda Jadin-Billiet





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