From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at>
on 2013.07.24 at 00:13:47
Dear Jason,
The spathes of the Anthurium hybrids often change colours with age, when they open they may be vivid red or pink, after some time they turn dark red or bronze, sometimes they become bicolor with green. The same refers to white spathed ones. Please look at some cultivars, they are presented at the bottom of the page, after Anthurium species.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 8:01 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] One Anthurium producing two colors of spathes?
At a nursery here in the Dominican
Republic, I saw what looked like an anthurium variety with greenish-orange spathes. On looking more closely, however, I found that the greenish-orange spathes all seemed to be on one ramet of a plant that otherwise was a variety with hot-pink spathes, like every other anthurium in this particular nursery. Is this something that happens often?
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