When I lived in Los
Angeles, I just
placed some tubers of D. vulgaris
in the ground and forgot about them until they sprouted and
Here in North Texas, the circumstances are a little
different (eg. temperatures,
humidity, etc.). I tried growing 7 tubers in containers.
Four sprouted, two did not sprout - but still look viable, and
one rotted.
The four that sprouted did so in April - May, looked
terrible, and were down within 6 -8 weeks or so. When do they
ordinarily sprout in the Northern Hemisphere? How long do the
ordinarily grow before going dormant
Is there a particular soil acidity/alkalinity requirement
for this species?
I had them in partial shade (early morning only). Do they
require more shade or more sun?
I watered them with a weak plant food when I thought they
needed it (more often in warmer weather). Should they be
allowed to dry out or should the soil remain moist?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
David Leedy