IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] Namibian Aroids?
From: George Yao <geoyao at gmail.com> on 2012.07.03 at 08:33:43
I was there recently to see Victoria Falls and saw some of the common cultivated aroids, but I didn't pay much attention to them. 

George Yao

On 07/03/12, at 3:56 AM, Jason Hernandez wrote:

I am shortly to leave as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia.  I found an online checklist of flora of southern Africa, searched "Araceae" and "Namibia," and got exactly two returns: Amorphophallus abyssinicus and the exotic Pistia stratiotes.  Is this truly a correct result -- that these are the only two Araceae occurring in Namibia?
Jason Hernandez
Aroid-L mailing list

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