What I mean by created was is in made that way originally by God. I =0A dont believe we evolved from apes thru evolution. Buy I do believe plants and =0A animals adapt not evolve. Because evolution implies that they eventually turn =0A from one genus to another over time. I do believe that thinks were =0A created with the ability to adapt to changing environments. So Im wondering =0A were these plant alway with holes in the leaves or at onetime did they have =0A full leaves and slowly adapted or perhaps through a freak genetic expression =0A shat happens to be good caused them to have holes in the leaves.
When you look at DNA its clearly a viable code and it simply isnt =0A possible for these complex codes to be in existence with out a writer. If you =0A are familiar with mathematics and probabilities then you know that if =0A the odds of something happening is is low enough past a certain point then its =0A considered impossible. The possibility in which certain conditions are wight =0A where in the primordial soup can spontaneously spawn life are so incredibly =0A low that according to mathematical probabilities its impossible, cant happen. =0A You have higher odds what while you are sitting at your desk reading this that =0A a pot of petunias could spontaneously come into existence and sit on your =0A desk....just to put it into some perspective for you.
Take for example one cell in your liver and the thousands of =0A complex functions that go on inside that cell ever day just in that one cell. =0A You have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning 27 times in the same =0A day then for this to be a result of evolution.
Now I do believe in creation but I dont believe what these =0A "creationists" believe that the earth was made in 7 day. Its not possible, I =0A prefer to think of these creative days as creative time periods or epochs. =0A Although there were probably a few more then 7.