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  Re: [Aroid-l] Off-Topic ebay question
From: Ken Mosher <ken at spatulacity.com> on 2012.02.25 at 02:31:49
I'm loathe to keep this thread going any longer, but...

It's morally irrelevant that this seller plainly states (not so plainly in my opinion) that the rainbow roses are produced artificially by some kind of dye injection.  That "disclaimer" is only there to meet the letter of the law, so to speak.  The entire listing is indisputably fraudulent in its intent.  "Plant the seeds from this awesome fake rose and see what you get! It MIGHT not look like the photo but who can know for sure?"  (New can of worms alert - read her profile and see that she is an evangelical christian - and committing blatant fraud in her ebay listings.  How do *you* spell hypocrisy?)

Additionally, one respondent to this topic noted that the seller in question has an extremely positive feedback rating, which is true.  Note, however, that before I wrote my initial post I reviewed several screens' worth of her feedback.  I learned this: because of the low prices of her items many people buy 5 - 10 of her seed offers at once. The positive feedback entries are complimentary of her fast shipping, nothing more.  If those same February buyers had the opportunity to leave additional feedback after seeing the *results* of trying to grow the seeds that she sold them then I would bet perfectly good money that the feedback would be quite different.

Note #2: several people had suggestions for links I could click to report the problem(s) that I perceived with the listing.  You'll have to take my word for it that I made a pretty thorough attempt to investigate my options, including every single one of the suggestions made on this list, BEFORE I ever sent my initial micro-rant.  There was absolutely no way to report this seller's transgression.  I tried every combination of categories available under "report listing" (or whatever the precise wording is) and none of them allowed the reporting of fraud.  Examination of ebay selling policies shows that what she is doing is not prohibited by ebay - and it should be.

I understand ebay's position on making it difficult to contact them and restricting contact to very, very specific complaints.  With millions of users every day they would need a customer service center the size of a large city to handle the emails and phone calls.  But that doesn't lessen the sting of being completely unable to communicate to them a serious problem with their service.

-Ken (whose next post is very unlikely to be off-topic)

On 2/23/2012 11:56 AM, hermine wrote:
At 06:35 PM 2/22/2012, you wrote:
I seen that rose too, as well as the names that don't go with the particular plant. Report those listings to ebay.

Yes but on the rose she SAYS PLAINLY that the colour is produced artificially! so she cannot be gotten for deceptive advertising. She has about 127 pages of stuff listed, and clearly she does not have all this stuff on hand so she is some kind of broker but those GOOSED COLOURS, what KRAP! and those fancy maples are always grown as grafts, you do not get them from seed.
I do not know what the latest protocol is at the Bay of E to report somebody whose whole offering is creepy, but if I did, I would do it.

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