IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Re: [Aroid-l] tacca chantrieri
From: Michael Pascall <mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2011.12.19 at 01:15:29
It is a tropical plant =2C and often will go dormant in less than ideal conditions .
btw not an aroid ..

Michael Pascall=2C

From: Zanezirklejr@aol.com
Date: Sun=2C 18 Dec 2011 13:33:17 -0500
To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] tacca chantrieri

I recently got a tacca chantrieri and the new leaf that grew turned black and died. I've been misting it and a new leaf has begun to emerge=2C I keep the plant in a bright window and around 70F . Can anyone tell me why the leaf died before unfurling? Does it need a humidifier?

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