IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] Helicodiceros moved to Dracunculus????
From: "D. Christopher Rogers" <branchiopod at gmail.com> on 2011.12.13 at 00:11:38
Hello, Alan!
That was tried quite a long time ago. It was not supported and our beloved Helidcodiceros is safe, as are your labels.
Hopefully nothing new is being tried. As I recall Helicodiceros, Biarum and Dracunculus are all genetically and morphologically distinct.
Happy days,

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Alan Galloway <alan_galloway@bellsouth.net> wrote:
I recently heard the rumor that Helicodiceros has been or is about to be
moved into Dracunculus?

Could anyone (perhaps those involved) shed any light on this rumor?

If it's true I've got a lot of labels to rewrite!


Aroid-L mailing list

D. Christopher Rogers
Crustacean Taxonomist and Ecologist
Kansas Biological Survey
Kansas University, Higuchi Hall
2101 Constant Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66047-3759 USA

Associate Editor, Journal of Crustacean Biology http://www.thecrustaceansociety.org/
Vice President, Southwest Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists SAFIT.ORG

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