Carla, who is out of town and e-mail contact for a little bit, asked me to post this when the newsletter had been sent out. It has, and so I am:
Hello, IAS Members,
Shortly you should be=0Areceiving your December issue of the IAS Newsletter in your email. As usual,=0Athis issue does not disappoint and has something of interest to everyone.
Welcome to the new President=0Aof the IAS, Zach DuFran, who introduces himself and also provides a report of=0Athe always successful 2011 IAS Show in Miami=E2=80=A6Wong Sin Yeng and Peter Boyce take=0Aus along as they meander through the different areas in Borneo such as=0Alimestone, granite, basalt, shale and sandstone in which aroids grow=E2=80=A6Genevi=C3=A8ve=0AFerry and Matthew Rees honor Edouard Andr=C3=A9, a French botanist and early plant=0Aexplorer that brought many beautiful aroids into cultivation=E2=80=A6Tom Croat=E2=80=99s most=0Arecent trip to the Guianas and the fantastic plants that he encountered there round=0Aout this final issue of the year. All articles are surrounded by colorful=0Aphotos of aroids from around the world.
Many thanks to everyone for=0Atheir contributions in content, time and spirit to the IAS Newsletter made in=0Athe past year. Please remember to continue to support the Newsletter and Aroideana in 2012.
All the best,
Carla Kostelac
IAS Newsletter Editor