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  Re: [Aroid-l] Gonatopus angustus
From: Ron Kaufmann <kaufmann at sandiego.edu> on 2011.06.21 at 03:48:53
Hi Erin,

    Gonatopus rhizomatosus is a basionym (old name) for Gonatopus angustus (accepted name).  You can find this information on the International Aroid Society web site at


Ron Kaufmann

On 6/20/2011 2:14 PM, E.Vincent Morano wrote:
I just bought what is claimed to be Gonatopus angustus from a seller on ebay. The tuber looks like G. rhizomatosus. Its a rhizome. What do Gonatopus angustus tubers look like?
He tells me via private message after Ive bought it that the rhizomes in the picture are
G. rhizomatosus but the listing title is for Gonatopus angustus. And what do I relieve? the middle Y shaped rhizome of  G. rhizomatosus! Im hopping this is a mistake but something else he said in his message makes me feel like some kind of skulduggery is taking place here. He says that his plant was verified by Josef Bogner as being Gonatopus angustus. Im hopping that there is some kind of mistake here but I sure smell fish! here is the closed ebay listing http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=250837286974&si=ypFerPbz%252BXEahRwNC6yDsarY7i4%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT

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