I can send you seeds
of P. stenolobium next time I get
some on my plants. =3B John.
aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Ernesto Collosi
Sent: Thursday=2C September 09=2C 2010
1:37 PM
To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Why is
Monstera deliciosa to be kept in the adult form inpot culture?
Do you know where I can get a Philodendron williamsii or stenolobum?
From: denis@skg.com
To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
Date: Tue=2C 7 Sep 2010 13:01:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Why is Monstera deliciosa to be kept in the adult form
inpot culture?
Judging from my
experience growing Monstera deliciosa
in the landscape in south Florida=2C
it is not an obligate epiphyte and is just as much at home crawling across the
ground under a tree as climbing up the trunk of that tree. The other species of
monstera =3B are all climbers
and as such they stretch out with small juvenile leaves and long whippy stems
until they come in contact with a surface to climb on. The higher up they go
the bigger and more mature the stems and leaves become. As long as the apical
bud is going upwards they continue to stay mature.
Also=2C M. deliciosa =3B has long been a
cultivated crop producing fruit in for indigenous peoples to eat. Who knows
what traits they selected for when planting this species in their garden.
Flavor is one I would look for and a lack of those darn spiny =3Bcalcium
oxalate raphides common in the flesh of =3Bother aroids=2C and I guess it
would have been nice not to climb a tree to harvest the fruits and brave the
ants and other critters up there at the top. So maybe it=92s just possible that
the wild type M.
deliciosa=2C if it can be found=2C are more epiphytic than its
domesticated=2C ground dwelling brothers and sisters and maybe the fruits don=92t
taste as good.
Silver Krome Gardens
From: aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com
[mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] On
Behalf Of John
Sent: Saturday=2C September 04=2C 2010
5:20 PM
To: 'Discussion of aroids'
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Why is
Monstera deliciosa to be kept in the adult form inpot culture?
Could it have anything
to do with it being a high altitude species?
aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Ferenc Lengyel
Sent: Thursday=2C September 02=2C 2010
7:13 AM
To: Aroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] Why is Monstera
deliciosa to be kept in the adult form inpot culture?
Does anybody know why M. deliciosa keeps its adult form in
"captivity"? All the other Monstera species=2C Philodendrons and
Epipremnums =3Busually stay in the juvenile form in pot culture and need
humid tropical conditions and =3Bclimb on a support to reach the adult form.
Even the they can easily revert to the juvenile form if returned to normal
house conditions. But not M. deliciosa. Why?
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