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Re: [Aroid-l] [SPAM] Tissue Culture ? Can common folk do it?
From: ekng532 <ekng532 at f2s.com> on 2010.09.10 at 10:01:33
On 09/09/2010 22:54, santoury@aol.com wrote:
I'm sure
this has been answered before, but nothing on the internet shows
any "common folk" doing tissue culture work to propagate their
own plants. I'd love to do it, if possible. Granted, my
facilities are not "scientific." But, boy, if I could grow
plants from pieces of leaves - I'd sure love to.
I'd love to hear about any experience you may have had with
this endeavor.
Thanks! Jude
Just google 'home tissue culture' - google says seven million hits!
The first few look useful, then I stopped looking.
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