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Re: [Aroid-l] Dracunculus and Dracunculus
From: "Ertelt, Jonathan B" <jonathan.ertelt at Vanderbilt.Edu> on 2010.09.05 at 21:36:21
Re: [Aroid-l] Dracunculus and Dracunculus
Yes it is admissible apparently =96 I found this to be the case when a search for images in the genus Drymonia(Gesneriaceae) also started turning up numerous images of moths, genus =96 Drymonia.
I=92ve come across other examples as well, but this is the only one coming to mind right now. Happy Labor Day.
On 9/2/10 6:54 PM, "Marek Argent" <abri1973@wp.pl> wrote:
While searching the web for documents I found something that made me scared.
Besides Dracunculus vulgaris and Dracunculus canariense, which we almost all heard about,
I found a document mentioning different species of Dracunculus which are... Nematodes:
Is it admissible for two quite different unrelated taxa to bear the same generic name?
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