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Re: [Aroid-l] Synandrospadix
From: Don Martinson <llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2010.08.20 at 13:44:27
Re: [Aroid-l] Synandrospadix
I might be interested, depending on the ultimate price, but let me post a question to the list:
I already grow a S. vermitoxicus, but seem to recall it being mentioned that it could be a bit “shy” about setting seed. Is this something which another plant (assuming they were both in bloom at the appropriate time), might improve upon? Just curious.
Don Martinson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On 8/19/10 9:05 PM, "santoury@aol.com" <santoury@aol.com> wrote:
Hi guys, this is my first post, so hopefully it gets out there okay! Would some of you kindly respond, so that I can get the feel of things, and make sure I'm doing this right. And for the sake of avoiding this being "un-related" I have come across some large, mature Synandrospadix vermitoxicus. I have the opportunity to purchase them. If any of you are interested, let me know, and I can determine how many to pick up. Most of them have a flower now, so they are obviously mature. There is no set price yet, as the plants are already pretty costly, so I wanted to put this out there to see who might be interested. Ballpark range will be $40 to $60 probably. If this is high, let me know.
Thanks all, and look forward to meeting you guys.
Currently I grow mostly amorphs, and a couple odds and ends, such as Anthuriums, and Philos.
The Synandrospadix is something I haven't grown before.
Feel free to email direct at santoury@aol.com. Thanks!
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