Christopher: =3B Kansas is a wonderful state. I lived in Lawrence while I was getting
my Ph.D. It is a lovely town and close to Kansas
City if you get bored with gentle living. =3B Lots of
people are leaving California
owing to the high taxes. =3B Since it is now bankrupt it will only get worse.
From: [] On Behalf Of Christopher Rogers
Sent: Friday=2C June 18=2C 2010 10:20
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Temperate
Tuberous Species Dormancy
Absolutely!! My wife and I have wanted to leave CA for nearly twenty
years. I love the natural history and the restaurants. We hate the crowds=2C the
high taxes=2C the blatant stupidity. I will give you an example: I live in the
City of Davis.
Due to the poor economy=2C Davis
has cut several law enforcement programs=2C and not hired several police officers
that were supposed to be added to the force. However=2C Davis has decided that it needs to fill a
newly created =3Bposition=2C a position that is full time=2C with full benefits.
That position is City Poet.
Another example: the governor announced back in January that the state
was broke=2C and pleaded with the legislature to cut spending. On camera the
legislature agreed. Over the next months=2C the legislature then passed millions
of =3Bdollars worth of brand new mandatory programs.
My wife and I grew up in the country=2C and we want to get back to that
far less complicated existence.
California to Kansas?...on
I have some
Pinellia=2C Arisaema and Arisarum that I need to go dormant because I am moving.
In fact I am moving from California to Kansas. If I withold
water=2C will they go dormant and break dormancy again next spring =3Bor will
they die? The Pinellia and Arisarum have been up now for =3Babout
four =3Bmonths=2C and the Arisaema for about two months. Have they had time to
replentish their tubers?
D. Christopher Rogers
Crustacean Taxonomist and Ecologist
Assistant Editor=2C Journal of Crustacean Biology
Vice President=2C Southwest Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists
Aroid-L mailing list
D. Christopher Rogers
Crustacean Taxonomist and Ecologist
Assistant Editor=2C Journal of Crustacean Biology
Vice President=2C Southwest Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists