IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] St. Louis 4/24/10
From: Zach DuFran <zdufran at wdtinc.com> on 2010.04.27 at 16:33:23

I compiled a list of all attendees and can send that outwith a group photo this evening.



From:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of robert chumley
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:21AM
To: aroid-l........lower case L
Subject: [Aroid-l] St. Louis 4/24/10


Thanks Steve for sharing infoconcerning the one day affair in St. Louis at Mo-Bot. Could we possibly get a random surveyof who was in attendance?  Even though more than a few members could notbe there to enjoy the program and the personal 'aroid related discussions' forone reason or another, we were there in spirit and supported the I.A.S.efforts.               

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