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  Re: [Aroid-l] Plants deplete oxygen?!?!
From: "Elizabeth Campbell" <desinadora at mail2designer.com> on 2010.02.17 at 14:30:07
I'm one of those Amazon Jungle people - but I actually feel better after a night out in the jungle than I do after one spent in the house in town. It's a good 10 degrees cooler under the canopy, and the air is much fresher and less still.

I did the calculations on the whole respiration vs photosyntheis thing back in my University days, and while plants do use up oxygen while they're respiring, for the overwhelming majority of them (aroids included) it's at a rate of one molecule of O2 for every five produced by photosynthesis, so they're actually adding to the net oxygen in any given environment. The claim that in a sealed or even stuffy room, plants will suffocate you in your sleep, is not only spurious, it's pseudoscience at its very best. I have a far greater chance of suffocating because my cat is sleeping on my chest.

Beth, from the jungles of Puyo, Ecuador.


Imagine the distress that might be suffered by those people who happen
to live in the Amazon jungle. Surrounded by all that respirating plant
life should make it impossible for any warm-blooded vertebrate to make
it through even one night.

Ted Held, fearless of having plant nearby, even at night.

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