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[Aroid-l] Supervolute vernation. Finally a photo!
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at exoticrainforest.com> on 2010.01.19 at 01:19:13
I too have been having the same problem. I thought I had this figuredout but there is still some mystery since I've now been toldsupervolute is quite common and the definition is the same asconvolute. Involute appears as two tubes rolled inward. There appearsto be a minor difference between supervolute and convolute but eventhough I thought I had that figured out I'm no longer certain. Iordered a copy of Stern's Botanical Latin which is supposed to make allthis clearer. I would suggest anyone interested order a copy fromAmazon for $20 or less. The difference appears to involve whetherthere is a single flower or group involved but I dare not offer what Iunderstand and would prefer someone with a higher level of educationrespond.
Marek Argent wrote: Dear Steve, I tried to undrestand the definitionof supervolute vernation, but it exceeds my 3D imagination and I still don't know if Iunderstand the terms "convolute" and "involute" properly. Here are links to photos ofconvolute and involute vernating leaves of Amorphophallus species. Is this correctly? Marek
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