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  Re: [Aroid-l] Supervolute vernation. Finally a photo!
From: Peter Boyce <phymatarum at googlemail.com> on 2010.01.16 at 04:52:00

The point about convolute is that the next leaf in the module isenclosed within the current leaf. In aroids all except Lagenandra, thepachyneurium Anthurium, and Amorphophallus (all of which are involute) areconvolute, with the individual leaves supervolute. See Stearn, Bot. Latin 343-344,Fig. 29 368 & 369.




From: aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com[mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Don Bittel
Sent: Friday, 15 January, 2010 1:05 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Supervolute vernation. Finally a photo!


Ihave always thought that convolute and supervolute vernation were the samething. That is, that the left side is wrapped around the right side, which iswrapped around itself. Or vice versa, with right around the left. Most aroidsare this way. 


ThePachyneurium anthuriums are involute, looking like two tubes side by side. Thisincludes the common birdnest types, as well as some heart shaped leaves, likestandleyi and watermaliense.  Aren't there just these two types ofvernation?


Youmention that most of the plants sold as hookeri are hybrids. I think that mostare true species of pachyneurium types, and if hybrids are certainly nothybrids of hookeri, but are hybrids of schlectendallii or crispamarginata orother common birdnest types. 


Andin your last paragraph, you write about scalariform VERnation, which should bescalariform VEnation, referring to the vein structure of the leaf. Just a typo,but confusing to the subject at hand.


shiveringin south florida,








 Wed,13 Jan 2010 15:02:44 -0600

From: Steve@exoticrainforest.com
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] Supervolute vernation. Finally a photo!

There are several typesof leaf vernation when a new leaf first emerges. Vernation is simply the way anew leaf blade is rolled or folded as it begins to emerge from the cataphyll.

Although there are several forms of vernation in aroids the most common type isknown as convolute vernation which describes the edges of a newly unfurlingleaf blade which have both margins (edges) curled inward wrapping around eachother. This is observed when the new blade emerges from the cataphyll and thewrapping of one margin is rolled over the other. The mechanism makes theemerging leaf present itself as a tube.

The second is known as involute vernation and is observed when a newlydeveloping leaf emerges from the cataphyll when both margins (edges) onopposing sides of the leaf blade are rolled forming two inward facing tubesthat meet at the midrib of the leaf. This type is not as common as convolutevernation.

The least common is known as supervolute vernation. I have been working forweeks to complete an article for the next issue of Aroideana (the journal ofthe International Aroid Society) to be published in August. That articleattempts to make many of the terms used in scientific literature easy for acollector to understand and use. One of the most difficult definitions to writewas the one for supervolute vernation since a definition did not exist in anyof the scientific texts or journals I own. I couldn't even find a definition onthe internet and the definition I found on the internet for"supervolute" was impossible to understand. Look it up and see if youcan figure out what they are trying to say!

Finally my friend Leland Miyano sent a photo of a newly emerging leaf of Anthuriumhookeri and the definition Dr. Tom Croat helped to clarify suddenly becamecrystal clear. Until I received this photo I had no real idea what supervolutevernation really meant.

supervolute vernation
Possessing a convolute arrangement in the folding or arrangement of a newlyemerging leaf blade with one margin (edge) of the newly blade emerging rolledinward toward the midrib and the opposite margin rolled around the midrib aswell as the remainder of the leaf in a manner similar to the coiled whorl atthe end of a conch shell.

My thanks to Leland for the photo!

If you believe you are growing Anthurium hookeri you may want to look atthis page!  I have been trying to find a specimen for years and so farhave never been able to buy one since all the plants available for sale are notthe species but instead are a hybrid. 

If the plant doesn't have scalariforme (ladder-like) vernation, glandularpunctates (tiny black spots) on the back of the leaf, and produces whiteberries on an inflorescence instead of the read ones everyone believes thespecies should produce it isn't the real Anthurium hookeri.




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