Dear Steve& Harry:
Sorrythat Mike was not able to be more certain of what it was. I really dobelieve that it is a Pteromischum and certainly it is close to P.aurantiifoliumSchott.
From: Michael Grayum
Sent: Tuesday, November24, 200911:41 AM
To: Tom Croat
Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] PanamaAroid
Dear Tom,
It doesn’tlook much like P. hederaceumto me. Could be justabout anything, especially given the nebulous locality data, quiteusual withthese horticultural sorts (how could somebody not know what countrythey werein?). If it is a Pteromischum(which I can’t entirely rule out), it would likely be P. tuerckheimii, especially ifit reallyis from Panama; in Panama,I circumscribed P. tuerckheimiirather broadly to include several aberrant “races” (discussed inthe revision), some with broad leaves like those pictured. Or it couldjust as easily be a juvenile plant of a non-PteromischumPhilodendron. Or,alternatively, it could be something like a Monstera! For example, juvenile plants of M.dissecta can look a lot like the pictured samples (and mayevenflower precociously in that state). Can’t say much more. <MG
From: TomCroat
Sent: Tuesday, November24, 200911:31 AM
To: Michael Grayum
Subject: FW: [Aroid-l] PanamaAroid
Dear Mike:
Please click on the links below for images of a Pteromischum. See ifyoumight know it. It is from Panama.
I may be way off Harrybut it just looks like ajuvenile Philodendron hederaceum(micans, scandens, oxycardium) based on the stem, venation and onecataphyll. Tom would be the best source. Some have the velvetappearance but many forms don't. We saw a fairly large semi-adult atthe MyriadCenteryesterday that had no velutinous appearance and I have several in myatriumthat don't show it as well.
Harry Witmore wrote:
This plant is beingpassed around the dart frog hobbysince it makes such a nice small aroid to grow in terrariums. It wassupposedlycollected in Panamabut I have no other info other than that. If someone had told me it wasfrom Asia I would say it was aspecies of Pothos. Any ideas onthe id?
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