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  Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron variifolium Schott
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.11.14 at 05:38:33
Thanks Tom.  I've tried to carefullyexamine the photo of Philodendron variifolium on Tropicos aswell as read the brief description on CATE Araceae

Philodendronvariifolium Schott sec CATE Araceae, 2009

LEAVES: Petioleterete, 20-25 cm long, shortly and narrowly sheathed in the lower part.Blade thinly coriaceous, shape decidedly diverse, cordate-oblong orsagittate-oblong, rarely hastate or hastate-oblong, apex with a 1-1.5cm long cuspid, 20-26 cm long, 6-7 cm wide halfway; posterior lobesvery short and very obtuse or elongate-oblong obtuse, separated by ashort, wide, very open sinus, apex curved upwards; the posterior ribsin hastate blades are weak, horizontal, curving upwards in asigmoid-curve, lateral veins of the anterior lobe all sub-equal.

The plants don't describe or look the same.  I'd love to find aspecimen of the real Philodendron variifolium so I can observeit growing in the atrium.  As far as I can tell the blade of Philodendronvariifolium can be somewhat cordate but should be more elongatedthan anything I've ever seen growing or sold using the name Philodendronvariifolium.


Tom Croat wrote:

Dear Steve”


I don’t knowhow the Philodendronvariifolium plant got confused with P. brandtianaum.  I have aphotographof drawing in my files of Poeppig 1281 or 1781 (I can’t read it well)andit is totally different.  While it resembles the plant that is on thetropicos website I know that it is different because I have seen lotsofmaterial that has leaves like this from that general area. It seems tome thatthis same plant was one of 2 or 3 collections with a Poeppig numberpart of whichwas P. deflexum.




From:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of JohnCriswick
Sent: Tuesday,November 10, 20094:26 AM
To: 'Discussion ofaroids'
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l]Philodendron variifolium Schott




         Here is Graf’s illustration entitled P. variifolium in Tropica, 3rdedition. It does not to me appear to be the same as either of the 2plantsshown in your attachment. In particular, the brownish or reddishcolouring ofthe emergent leaf is absent.




From:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com[mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] OnBehalf Of ExoticRainforest
Sent: Tuesday,November 03, 200912:13 PM
To: Discussion ofaroids
Subject: [Aroid-l]Philodendronvariifolium Schott


Does anyone have acopy of the published description for Philodendronvariifolium Schott?  Apparently thisdescription waspublished in the Flora of Peru series 13 but I can't locate a copy. 

Also, if anyone has a copy of Graf's TROPICAor EXOTICAwould you check and see if the plant on this page is shown in either ofthosebooks as being Philodendron variifolium?  For some time I've beentryingto track down where this error originated although I am aware abeautiful plantwas displayed some years ago at an IAS show and Sale that was incorrectly tagged. Shortlyafter that happened Dr. Croat explained the name was incorrect and thecorrectname was in fact Philodendronbrandtianum.

I'm not looking for the description of Philodendron brandtianum K.Krause whichis the correct name for the plant in the photos on this page.  The real Philodendron variifoliumlooks nothinglike the juvenile plant commonly sold on eBay using the name"Philodendronvariifolium".  You can see the real Philodendronvariifolium which has an elongated leaf blade on TROPICOShere:  http://www.tropicos.org/Name/2103366

I would also like to acquire a specimen ofthe real Philodendron variifoliumso if anyone hasa specimen you'll trade or sell or knows of a source please let me know.




By the way, if you are an IAS member thereare somegreat plants available for trade or the cost of postage on the IASwebsite.  Just click on  Trading Post if you are a member. www.Aroid.org

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