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  [Aroid-l] [Fwd: Philodendron variifolium Schott]
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.11.03 at 17:41:24

Philodendron variifolium
was actually published in
Synopsis Aroidearum Complectens EnumerationemSystematicam Generum et Specierum Huju Ordinis 100. 1856 [Mar 1856]I'd love to find a copy of the original even if it isn't inEnglish.  There is apparently a discussion of the plant in the Flora ofPerus series 13 but i can't find that either.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Philodendron variifolium Schott
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 11:13:08 -0600
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve@ExoticRainforest.com>
Reply-To: Steve@ExoticRainforest.com
To: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>

Does anyone have a copy of thepublished description for Philodendronvariifolium Schott?  Apparently this description was published inthe Flora of Peru series 13 but I can't locate a copy. 

Also, if anyone has a copy of Graf's TROPICA or EXOTICA would you checkand see if the plant on this page is shown in either of those books asbeing Philodendron variifolium?  For some time I've been trying totrack down where this error originated although I am aware a beautifulplant was displayed some years ago at an IAS show and Sale that wasincorrectly tagged.  Shortly after that happened Dr. Croat explainedthe name was incorrect and the correct name was in fact Philodendronbrandtianum.

I'm not looking for the description of Philodendron brandtianumK. Krause which is the correct name for the plant in the photos on thispage.  The real Philodendron variifolium looks nothing like thejuvenile plant commonly sold on eBay using the name "Philodendronvariifolium".  You can see the real Philodendron variifoliumwhich has an elongated leaf blade on TROPICOS here: http://www.tropicos.org/Name/2103366

I would also like to acquire a specimen of the real Philodendronvariifolium so if anyone has a specimen you'll trade or sell orknows of a source please let me know.




By the way, if you are an IAS member there are some great plantsavailable for trade or the cost of postage on the IAS website.  Justclick on  Trading Post if you are a member. www.Aroid.org

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