From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at> on 2009.10.03 at 17:05:02
Hello Phil, The same behavior you may observe in Syngonium and recently discusssed Cercestis. A lot depends on the conditions where they grow, if they are insufficient, plants will never grow adult, or even adult or adolescent plants may return to their juvenile form. Also many tuberous aroids when they are young, their leaves are entire and with age they become variously shaped. Two helpful links with Syngonium photos: Marek ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 3:41 PM Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron Shift in Leaf Morphology
Phil, it is known as ontogeny and is the same thing as a child "morphing" into an adult. When a baby is born it looks little like an adult human but during the child's life-long ontogeny it changes constantly until reaching adult hood. Even then the young adult continues to "age" and "morph".
Plants do the exact same thing and constantly change as they age.. You start out with the extremely young sprout which begins to produce leaf blades. That then turns into the juvenile form of the plant when changes to the pre-adult form and then the adult. As it become an adult it is capable of reproduction but will continue to change as it grows. Plants high in the canopy look nothing like the same species found near the ground but they are one and the same species.
This might help:
Steve wrote: So how do Philodendrons change from "juvenile' to 'mature" foliage morphologies? What are the mechanisms involved? PhilMedellin_______________________________________________Aroid-L mailing listAroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com _______________________________________________ Aroid-L mailing list Nie znaleziono wirusa w tej wiadomosci przychodzacej. Sprawdzone przez AVG - Wersja: 8.5.409 / Baza danych wirus=F3w: 270.14.0/2406 - Data wydania: 09/30/09 18:56:00