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[Aroid-l] Strange white mold/spots on amorphophallus tubers
From: David <onimua at gmail.com> on 2009.09.30 at 17:29:20
Hello fellow aroiders!
Recently, I noticed an odd problem with my amorphophallus tubers - they started growing mold. At first, I thought it was just small specs of perlite and I brushed it off, and put it into storage for their dormant period. I check them once a week, just in case of anything, and I noticed it was back, but much more. I brushed it off, and it was this odd fluff (best way to describe it) and it spread to the other tubers as well. I checked, and the tubers are not soft and seem just fine except this odd fluff-like white mold that is growing on the surface of them. I'm not sure what it is, or how to get rid of it. Any ideas?
I also attached some pictures I took of said "fluff" mold.
Thanks! --0016364c7513067d900474cedfb7----0016364c7513067d980474cedfb9
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