Not sure if the list accepted a post from my other mail-server....a thousand pardons if this post is duplicated.
The images mentioned on the UBC website are mine=2C taken near El Guabal on the Caribbean versant of Veraguas Prov. Panama in late October 2007. According to an unpubl. (?) treatment of rheophytic anthuriums that Dr. Croat provided me some years back=2C A. rupicola is the lone member of Sect. Porphyrochitonium that survives his taxonomic revision of these puppies...all the other taxa mentioned are now considered to be Sect. Calomystrium. Having grown=2C wild-collected and propagated some of these spp. I happen to agree with this arrangement. Previously=2C all of these lance-leaf Anthurium spp. (incl. well-known ones such as amnicola and antioquiense) were also considered to be part of Sect. Porphyrochitonium and are treated as such by Kamemoto and Kuehnle in their '96 work on breeding ornamental anthuriums. =3B
I have encountered the fully aquatic Spath mentioned both at the locality =3Band in fast-flowing=2C boulder-strewn =3Blowland streams flowing into the Caribbean in Omar Torrijos NP in Cocl=E9. Plants are =3Bidentical in general appearance to the rheophytic =3Banthuriums being discussed=2C always deeply-rooted in =3Bgravel bottoms and always growing in less than =3B90 cm (3') of water=2C usually at depths less than 60 cm (2') near the edge. I remember that =3BI found a name for this plant way back when=2C but Mr. Alzie eroding my memory...Dr. Croat will no doubt be able to provide =3Ba binomial =3Bfor those interested.
I grow antioquiense=2C amnicola and rupicola. Easy but extremely sensitive to drying out between waterings (natch!).
I believe that a hort hybrid between antioquiense and amnicola that was developed years back =3Bat U Hawaii is (was?) =3Bcirculating in SoFlo as true antioquiense...they tend to exhibit the lilac background color of =3B the =3Bamnicola parent=2C =3Bthe =3Bgreater size and vigor of antioquiense=2C =3Bbut are not noticeably fragrant at anthesis.
As has been mentioned elsewhere=2C my observations in seasonally-flooded areas of upper Amazonia coincide with others...that PLENTY of terrestrial plants (including some Anthurium spp.) spend many months with there roots and lower stems fully submerged and are clear candidates for culture in (large) paludariums. Beyond this=2C I did collect an apparently undescr. cordate-leaf sp. of anthurium in eastern Per=FA that was rooted smack in the middle of a permanent stream. =3BSeed from =3Bthis taxon was distributed to some people on this forum in 2001 and it is my understanding that Lynn Hannon donated her collection of these plants =3Bto MOBOT prior to her passing=2C so it may persist in culture at that BG. I still keep a few here for laughs.
>=3B From:
>=3B To:
>=3B Date: Mon=2C 21 Sep 2009 21:02:59 -0400
>=3B Subject: [Aroid-l] ?? Water-loving Anthurium species
>=3B Hi All=2C
>=3B I recently ran into a thread on the UBC Botanical Garden Forums which mentioned several terrestrial Anthurium species that occur in
>=3B very wet situations in nature=2C including river banks and streamside rocks. The roots of these anthuriums might grow right in the water
>=3B or in very wet media for extended periods or permanently. I am on the hunt for Anthurium that grow well in saturated soils and wonder
>=3B if anybody can help me to source some of these plants(?).
>=3B Here are some of the species mentioned in those forum posts:
>=3B A. amnicola
>=3B A. antiquiense
>=3B A. riparium
>=3B A. rivularis
>=3B A. rupicola
>=3B A. sagittatum
>=3B A. werfii
>=3B Is there a technical terms to describe plants that grow on rocks with their roots in the water? There are a number of aquarium plants
>=3B that use such habitats.
>=3B Thanks for considering this. I really would like to hear any ideas for sources that might come to mind. Incidentally=2C a post in that same
>=3B thread also mentioned that "both amnicola and rupicola grow in sympatry with a fully aquatic Spathiphyllum sp.". I have never heard of
>=3B any fully-aquatic Spathiphyllum=2C and I would really like to know more about that too.
>=3B Thanks very much!
>=3B Regards=2C
>=3B Devin
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