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  [Aroid-l] New Aroideana, Vol. 32, 2009.
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.09.03 at 02:59:38
Please let me join Julius andAlbert.  Derek is to be highly congratulated for this work of love. Just writing a descent article takes effort and having worked with manypublishers in the past I've seen how hard it is to put out a book ofthis magnitude.

By the way, if any of you have an idea for an article aimed at aroidcollectors and growers please drop a note to Derek.  You can can findhim on the IAS member list and I know he always entertains any goodideas!  We only get out of the IAS an amount equal to what we arewilling to put in so please make your name known to the group byoffering to write an article of interest for either Aroideana or theIAS newsletter.

Thanks Derek!  This one is really good.


Albert M Huntington wrote:

  I'd like to join Julius in congratulating Derek and the authors on ajob well done - strangely I received my copy on the same day asJulius.  It's a lot of work to put out a big book like this every year.

  For those of you who are not IAS members - the journal is NOT justfull of peer-reviewed scientific articles, but as Julius noted, alsocontains plenty of information that is interesting to the hobby grower.

  If you'd like to see the beautiful cover of the currentissue, I just loaded it into our cover archive at http://www.aroid.org/aroideana/backissues/- hopefully the articles will be inserted into Paul Resslar's indexdatabase soon and you'll be able to see the table of contents onlinetoo...


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