From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at> on 2009.08.15 at 19:11:57
A big apology Tom! I didn't actually refer to my notes beforesending this Aroid l post and later learned the "boat shaped" mentionwas not from your field notes! Instead it came from Anna Haigh'stranslation of Kurt Krause' published synopsis from 1913 which can befound on CATE Araceae. The description fromKrause appears very different than the plate you sent. I've copied ithere:
Philodendroncrassinervium Lindl. sec CATE Araceae, 2009 Stem repent and scandent, internodes 5-10 cm long, 1.5-2 cm thick. LEAVES: Petiolesemiterete, 10-13 cm long, 5-8 mm thick, sheathed at the base for 2-3cm; Blade linear-oblong, or lanceolate-oblong, apex cuspidate-acuminatefor almost 1 cm, narrowly cuneate towards the base, 3-4.5 cm, rarelylonger, 6-10 cm wide; midrib swollen, ca. 1 cm wide at the base,strongly attenuating towards the apex; lateral veins slender,subparallel, spreading, ascending and joining near the margin. INFLORESCENCES: Peduncleslender, 10-15 cm long, 3-4 mm thick. Spathe boat-shaped, apex shortlyapiculate, tube 3-4 cm long, externally green, internally at the baselight purple, green-coloured towards the spathe-blade; blade shortlystipitate; female zone 5-6 cm long, 1 cm thick. Pistils ovoid, ca. 2 mmlong, 4-6-locular, locules many-ovulate. Male flowers usuallytriandrous. Berries turbinate [obconical], 4-5 mm long, 2 mm thick,white, stigma brown with 4-6 small lobes. Seeds oblong, pale. Krause,K. 1913. Araceae-Philodendroideae-Philodendreae-Philodendrinae. DasPflanzenreich. 60 (IV.23Db): 1-143 p. 22, translated by A. Haigh.
I've added an explanation to the page:
Thanks a bunch Tom. I received thescan last night and will add it to the page.
The thing I find very interesting is Schott's illustration doesn'tappear to match some of your field notes on TROPICOS. Mauro Piexoto ofBrazil Plants allowed me to use one of his photos of two inflorescencesof P. crassinervium which are "boat shaped" as your notesstate they should be. Could this indicate that Schott actuallydescribed something that no longer exists or possibly either of theplants we know as Philodendron lanceolatum or Philodendronalternans? As I told you privately neither Marcus Nadruz norEduardo Gonçalves appear to believe P. alternans should beconsidered a synonym.
There seems to always be more to learn.
Tom Croat wrote: Dear Steve: We could scan Schott’spainting of the inflorescences if you would like it. Tom